EPA reclassifying organisms, pest and disease webinars, nursery training discussions, glyphosate news, 90 day trial intricacies,
legionella ....

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  6 September 2016
EPA Reclassifying “new” Organisms

In August the EPA opened submissions for proposals to deregulate new organisms under Section 140 of the HSNO Act.

Section 140 addresses organisms that have arrived since 1998, that need to be reclassified if a self-sustaining population has established, and in particular are not subject to an eradication programme.

Some of those approved under this provision to date are pests – for example psyllids, bacteria, aphids, thrips and include the Varroa mite. In the case of our industry, a “new” pest plant that has established and where it is accepted that eradication and/or control is no longer feasible. would be considered.

However, organisms subject to S140 consideration need not be pests - the bridal creeper rust, Puccinia myrsiphylli, is not considered a pest and was deregulated to provide for people to distribute it around New Zealand to help control the environmental weed, bridal creeper (Asparagus asparagoides).

Section 140 can be also used to enable research on “pest” organisms, or provide for the legal propagation and relocation of desirable organisms.

Simply put it is intended to address those organisms that are new organisms (ie not present in NZ prior to 29 July 1998), but are now established in New Zealand. Links on the EPA webpage, provide further detail and list the organisms deregulated under S140 in recent times.

Of note however, is that this EPA mechanism is not a substitute for ensuring that the Plants Biosecurity Index (PBI) truly reflects those plants that were present pre-1998.

Section 26 of the Act facilitates this and NZPPI is working with Murray Dawson and the RNZIH and their work compiling an application that may exten into some thousands of species. If you know of species that were present in New Zealand prior to 1998 and HSNO Act coming into force, please speak with John Liddle at NZPPI - john@nzppi.co.nz.

NGI Australia Pest and Disease Webinars

A series of webinars is being run to help production nurserie more efficiently produce plants free of pests and diseases and avoid disease outbreaks. New Zealand industry members are welcome to signin – dates below and details here.

  • 22 September – Insect pests vs beneficials.
  • 6 October – Insects and pesticides.
  • 20 October – Fungal vs bacterial leaf spots.
  • 3 November – Leaf spots and pesticides.

Any nursery training issues?

The Primary ITO’s Nursery Production Industry Partnership Group meets on 29 September. If you’ve a matter or an idea that it needs to discuss, please send this through to John Liddle - john@nzppi.co.nz.

Interested in Plant Imports?

MPI’s Plant Imports and Exports continue to build the resources available on MPI’s website

Among the routine how to, what to do, where to get it are details of import health standards under review (see the Plant Imports Work Programme) link middle right and any proposals out for consultation or recently completed.

EPA report concludes glyphosate an unlikely carcinogen

Glyphosate is among the most widely used broad-spectrum herbicides. In recent times questions are being asked about its safety and in August the EPA released a report saying that it is “unlikely to be carcinogenic and should not be classified as a mutagen or carcinogen under the HSNO Act" ... read more

90-day work trial detail essential

A court case involving early childcare teachers has identified how crucial some of the detail is around this provision. An employment agreement must explicitly state when the 90-day trial period starts. Check you agreements with your advisor or talk with Frances Palmer about NZPPI's Group EMA Scheme - frances@nzppi.co.nz ... read more



Legionnaire’s Disease

Spring’s a time associated with an increased incidence of Legionnaire’s Disease and at least one strain Legionella longbeachae, is associated with gardening. It is widespread and present in soil, and in particular composts and potting mixes, whether home-made or manufactured. Each year a number of people contract this form of Legionnaire’s Disease. While most experience no more than mild flu-like symptoms, some become seriously ill. Tragically it can be fatal.

It’s important to appreciate that legionella bacteria are naturally occurring and common in the environment. Under certain conditions, populations flare and the risk of people contracting the disease increases. The Ministry of Health regards gardening as a beneficial pastime (as do we), and has issued guidelines towards safer gardening.

Our approach, and regarded as appropriate by health authorities, is fourfold:

  1. Reminding members, both nurseries and retailers, of their health and safety responsibility for staff and customers.
  2. Ensuring warning labels are on bags of packaged media. While it's voluntary, our advice is do not stock it unless it’s got the health and caution warning.
  3. Work to ensure retailer staff are up to speed - they need to be able to reasonably react to consumer safety concerns.
  4. Publicity to home gardeners on safety steps they can take. This includes in-store information.

Our Member Advisory provides further insight into this approach and a Consumer Brief is also available for download for you to distribute to customers.

While we will have more details on this year’s retailer programme shortly, key steps for retailers include staff awareness, having masks for sale at POS and growing media display areas, and signage and ensuring customers are aware of the risks.

Gardening is a safe and healthy pastime, but there are some risks. We all need to be proactive about understanding and managing those risks.

... read more


©2016 NZPPI
New Zealand Plant Producers Incorporated
(formery The Nursery & Garden Industry Association of New Zealand)
PO Box 3443, Wellington 6140
Level 5, 23 Waring Taylor Street, Wellington
P: 04 918 3511 | F: 04 499 9589
E: info@nzppi.co.nz | W: www.nzppi.co.nz






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