Merry Christmas, A member’s guide to Workplace Health and Safety, nursery stock networks. L3 PEQ capacity, Myrtle rust, Biosecurity 2025, PVR Law Reform, PMAC ... |
Another year’s done and dusted … here’s to a wonderful Christmas and a fruitful new year. Thanks to all those who’ve worked with us and for the industry in 2016 … have a great break, stay safe and we’ll see you in 2017.
NZPPI’s office closes at noon on Friday 23 December, we’re back on 9 January and will check the answerphone from time to time in between.
NZPPI Member Workplace Health and Safety Guide |
NZPPI today released its recently developed guidance to assist members develop or refine their Workplace Health and Safety policies and procedures. It’s a wireframe of a complete system with a series of questions to help businesses as they work through their system.
And it’s not just for those who have yet to complete their system, the guidance, which was developed in collaboration with OSHbox, will assist those more advanced in their implementation of Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
The Guide joins NZPPI’s EMA membership deal as part of a revamped member-exclusive benefits package.
Coming Up |
- GERMAC meets 21 February – if you’ve a plant import issue let John Liddle know -
- The Primary ITO’s Nursery Production Industry Partnership Group meets
15 February – if you’ve an industry training issue contact a group member.
- NZPPI meets with MPI at the end of January to discuss the latter’s work in reviewing the tissue culture import health standard. We’ve emailed several importers in this regard – if you’ve an interest and would like to help please John Liddle know -
Nursery Stock Networks Research |
We've been working with Philip Hulme, Professor of Plant Biosecurity from Lincoln University, in the early stages of a project to better understand nursery stock networks.
Philip's project is now at the stage where data from, and the help of, plant producers and transporters is needed.
Part of the MBIE-funded National Science Challenge for New Zealand's Biological Heritage (, the nursery stock networks project is part of a work-stream that seeks to reduce the rate of spread or establishment of exotic incursion species.
This project will contribute to industry sustainability and resiliance, and we seek businesses to work with Philip. Please let John Liddle,, know if you can help or would like to know more.
... read more |
Level three Post Entry Quarantine capacity workshop |
NZPPI joined other GERMAC members, several private importers and MPI late in November to discuss issues relating to Level 3B PEQ glasshouse capacity in New Zealand. Importers are facing long delays while waiting for limited quarantine space, hampering innovation and competitiveness in the horticultural industry.
Uncertainty about demand trends and changes to the regulatory environment in response to emerging risks, alongside high capital costs make investment in quarantine facilities difficult.
However, the benefits to germplasm importation were clearly and readily identified and provided purpose to solve this longer-term issue of confidence, and develop short term solutions to alleviate some of the constraints. The latter will feature on GERMAC’s February agenda.
Biosecurity 2025 |
Minister Nathan Guy launched the Government’s Biosecurity 2025 Direction Statement at the Protecting to Grow New Zealand Biosecurity Forum 2016.
It establishes the mission for biosecurity and five strategic directions for focus including involving every New Zealander and business in managing Biosecurity risk and growing science, technology, information, leadership, workforce and infrastructure Biosecurity capability.
The Forum featured a range of domestic and international speakers and was followed by a day of workshops addressing the implementation of the 2025 strategy.
You can read more about Biosecurity 2025 on MPI's website.
PVR Law Reform |
MBIE is beginning a review of the Plant Varieties Rights Act 1987 and to initiate the review, they are holding some targeted, technical workshops with industry experts in plant variety rights in the first quarter of 2017. The targeted, technical workshops with industry form part of stage one of a two-stage engagement process. The purpose of these workshops is to discuss the issues and options for reform of the Plant Variety Rights Act. The workshops will inform the development of proposals for a later stage of the process which is the formal, public consultation. MBIE are also planning technical workshops with Maori/iwi.
NZPPI has worked with other industry groups advocating for law reform and its pleasing to see and report progress. The first industry workshop will be held on 1 March 2017 in Wellington.
This is another pest we simply do not want … it’s a fungal disease (Puccinia psidii) that affects plants in the myrtle family (Myrtaceae) and there’s around 30 New Zealand native plants in this family – including pohutukawa, rata, manuka and kanuka.
It’s in Australia – many of their natives, including iconic eucalypts and other rainforest species are severely impacted.
MPI and B3 (Better Border Biosecurity – a NZ biosecurity science collaboration) hosted a workshop early in December. It discussed many aspects of work to manage the myrtle rust risk, experience in Australia, NZ and Australian science programmes and established expressions of interest for a stakeholder working group for 2017.
… from MPI’s website –
Myrtle rust attacks young, soft, actively growing leaves, shoot tips and young stems. Initial symptoms are powdery, bright yellow or orange-yellow pustules on leaves, tips and stems. The developing lesions may cause a deformation of the leaves and shoots, and twig dieback if the infection is severe. Symptoms also sometimes affect inflorescences and fruit. Infection of highly susceptible plants may result in plant death.
Myrtle rust spores can be readily dispersed by wind or on clothing, equipment etc. Both modes of dispersal can transport spores very long distances.
This fungus is NOT present in New Zealand. If you suspect the presence of myrtle rust on plants in New Zealand, call MPI’s Exotic Pests and Diseases hotline on 0800 80 99 66.
Do not attempt to touch or collect samples as this may increase the spread of this disease.
The Plant Market Access Council (PMAC) is a partnership between industry and government agencies concerned with the export of horticultural and arable farming products. It provides a forum where market access issues are freely discussed between Industry and Government representatives allowing them to agree strategies to remediate and improve market access. PMAC evolved from a consultative committee that was established in 1992, and Paul Turner, of Liner Plants NZ, represents NZPPI on the Council.
Notes from PMACs’ recent meeting are available … Executive Report and Paul Turner's report to NZPPI Board.
©2016 NZPPI
New Zealand Plant Producers Incorporated
(formery The Nursery & Garden Industry Association of New Zealand)
PO Box 3443, Wellington 6140
Level 5, 23 Waring Taylor Street, Wellington
P: 04 918 3511 | F: 04 499 9589
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