In this issue
- Welcome the new CEO
- Myrtle Rust update
- Plant importers meeting
- Young Horticulturist of the Year
- Snippets
Welcome the new CEO
This is my first newsletter as CEO, so firstly hello, and thank you for the incredible opportunity to take on this role.
With just two weeks in the CEO’s seat I am slowly getting an understanding of how the industry works, but very quickly understanding the breadth and width of the work that NZPPI does.
I am impressed with the commitment and drive from the NZPPI staff, Board and our Members and the extent to which people are willing to contribute their time and energy.
My calendar is filling up fast, but over the coming weeks I will be on the road to find out how we can represent you effectively here in Wellington and provide services that are of huge value to your people and your businesses.
I am really keen to hear from you, so get in touch and let me know what is happening in your sectors and regions. Phone 027 622 9255, email
Matthew Dolan
Myrtle Rust update
MPI released its latest Myrtle Rust update last night, which indicated that the rate of new infections is still low, adding just 1 new site in the Bay of Plenty. The total number of infection sites now stands at 123. There has been some reinfection activity within sites that were already positive.
… read latest MPI situation update here
As overnight temperatures are quickly warming up and the forecast is for a warm, wet summer, we need to prepare for things to develop quickly.
NZPPI has been working with nurseries in MPI’s controlled areas to manage the disease and to support nurseries in their engagement with MPI. In some cases this has meant assessing stock losses and ensuring that any applicable compensation payments are made.
NZPPI’s industry protocols for nurseries and retailers include effective strategies to prevent the spread of the disease into and within nurseries. Many nurseries are already using these protocols, but now is the time to really ensure that all your staff are aware of these strategies and are implementing them as standard practice.You will find these protocols on the NZPPI website home page
In addition to our work with MPI and the industry, we will continue to provide information to the public through our ‘Go Gardening’ and ‘Greenlife Matters’ networks. This network includes our magazine and social media sites, which reach tens of thousands of people and our intention is to use this media to raise awareness and to keep the confidence of the public. Encourage your customers to check out these Facebook pages - Go Gardening Greenlife Matters.
Plant Importers meeting - 21 November Auckland
As mentioned in the October 11 newsletter, we've had numerous enquiries from concerned members over the recent Import Health Standard imposed by MPI on plant material coming from Xylella affected countries. All concerns are around the harsh and somewhat impractical measures now being required.
Interested members are invitied to meet in Auckland Tuesday 21 November and discuss how we can suggest alternative measures to MPI where all parties can continue to operate in a safe and professional manner.
- Tuesday 21 November 1-3pm, Novotel Auckland Airport, Ray Emery Drive. Please email if you are attending.
Young Horticulturist of the Year competition
Later this month, Nov 15 & 16, our 2017 Young Achiever, Shanna Hickling from Riversun Nursery Gisborne, will compete in the Young Hort competition in Auckland.
Shanna will be up against five other competitors in the horticulture industry, from Growers, Amenity, Landscaping, Floristry and Viticulture. They will compete in a series of tasks and projects over two days.
Awards will be presented and the winner announced at a formal dinner on the evening of Thursday 16 at the Grand Millennium Hotel, Auckland. A crowd of nursery members are attending in support of Shanna, and on behalf of all NZPPI members, we wish her the very best of luck.

Only a few tickets to the dinner are left so if you'd like to attend, please contact Susan Tremain For more information on the competition, visit the Young Hort of the Year website here
- Vodafone quits its email service this month - On November 30th, Vodafone will turn off a number of accounts that are run from Vodafone platforms. Full list available here. There are a number of options to getting a new email hosting service. Check the advice here on the website. To continue to receive this Newsletter, please update your address by clicking "update subscription preferences" at the bottom of this newsletter.
Like us on Facebook
Like the NZPPI Facebook page and be regularly informed on the latest industry news and events. Plus stay up-to-date with trends, products and technical papers from overseas. Also check out the Go Gardening and Greenlife Matters Facebook pages and encourage your customers to like these too.

©2017 NZPPI
New Zealand Plant Producers Incorporated
PO Box 3443, Wellington 6140
Level 5, 23 Waring Taylor Street, Wellington
P: 04 918 3511 | F: 04 499 9589
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