Nelson regional visit
The NZPPI Board held their quarterly meeting on the 18 and 19 March in Nelson.
Two nominations for the board positions of Retail and Producer were received from Greg Kitson and Mike Simpson. The position for the landscape, amenity and revegetation sector remains open at this stage and NZPPI welcomes nominations.
In the evening the Board hosted a splendid member dinner at the Apple Shed Bar and Grill on the tranquil and beautiful Mapua Wharf. Thank you to those that came along, it was a great member get-together.
Geoff Thorpe, Jacqui Jones (TNZ), Felicity Thomson (Mitre 10), Vince Wylaars, Greg Kitson
Ben Wickham, Ormond Nurseries, chatting with NZPPI Chair Andrew Harrison
A big thank you to TNZ Growing Products for supporting this event. We really appreciate their support of industry events and the Conference Gala Dinner.
Appletons Tree Nursery visit
Eric Appleton took the Board and Matt around his nursery at Wakefield and introduced them to some of his staff. The Board saw how Eric, through persistence over many years, has developed a fantastic production system. This includes achieving weed free beds by vigilance over the years. Eric is highly respected in our industry.
Andrew Harrison, Matt Dolan, Mike Simpson, Eric Appleton, Geoff Thorpe, Greg Kitson, Patrick Murray
One of the shed supervisors, Christine Lloyd (pictured below) has been happily working at Appletons for 20 years and says she loves the variety of work and the location being close to home.
Last year Appletons Tree Nursery celebrated 50 years of growing. They have been members of this association (as it was) since 1977.