Biosecurity scheme – pilot audits underway
Development of the Plant Production Biosecurity scheme (PPBS) has taken another positive step forward with nineteen nurseries undergoing pilot audits against the draft standard.
The pilot nurseries cover a wide spectrum of nursery types, size, species, markets and supply chains, production methods and include community and iwi/hapū based nurseries. This is part of our commitment to ensure that the standard is relevant to all nurseries.
Early feedback from the pilot audits has been positive. The participating nurseries are enthusiastic about the process and are providing strong insight into things we can improve in the scheme.
We anticipate the full launch of the PPBS programme to all of industry later this year.
Other current PPBS work includes the development of best practice and guidance, comms and stakeholder engagement, a module for Phytophthora and Kauri Dieback, a plant buyer’s accord, traceability, scheme operations and infrastructure development, and regulatory options.
We would like to acknowledge and thank the nurseries that are participating in the pilot audits:
Auckland Botanic Gardens, Ardmore Nurseries, Black Bridge Nurseries, Growing Spectrum, Kaipatiki, LE Cook Nurseryman Ltd, Lyndale Nurseries, Minginui Nursery, Miro Nursery, Murray's Nurseries, Nga Rakau Nurseries, Ngati Haua Mahi Trust, Okahu Rakau (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei), Pukerau Nursery, Riversun Nursery, Scott Base, Nurseries, Te Rito, Treeline Native Nursery, Zealandia Horticulture
If you’d like to know more, talk with project lead John Liddle, 021 370 168,

L to R: Diane and Debbie from Treeline Native Nursery with Diane of Asure Quality
Kara Beaumont, from Ardmore Nurseries, said:
"Vol, our auditor, was very practical in her approach and was able to suggest simple approaches that would cover off a few risks or areas at the same time.
“We were harder on ourselves in our self-assessment than she was on us on the day. There were some areas where we weren't confident that we met the requirements of the Core Standard, but Vol helped us think more laterally and realise that either we were meeting the requirements in a less obvious way, or that we could do so through some minor changes that are consistent with our current processes.
“It would be impossible to write the Core Standard in a way that every nursery can see how it fits into their processes immediately. The auditors are a useful bridge between the Standard and the management systems of each individual nursery."