November NZPPI Board Update
NZPPI’s Transitional Board met for the third and final time on 9 November. With the first board election process now complete, the next board meeting in December will be that of the newly elected Board.
NZPPI’s New Board
The process to elect Producer representatives for NZPPI’s new Board is now complete following our call for nominations in October and the receipt of one nomination for each of the six Board seats.
Thanks to those who stuck their hand up, or who encouraged and put nominations forward. We received one nomination per seat, thus avoiding the need (and expense) of going to an election. Congratulations to the following, who have been appointed to represent your interests as follows:
Sector Board members
- Orchard and vine – Geoff Thorpe
- Retail – Greg Kitson
- Landscape, amenity and revegetation – Grant Hayman
- Forestry – Patrick Murray
- Food Production - Vince Wylaars
Producer Board member (at large seat)
The new Board will meet in December to consider the need, if any, to co-opt up to two additional members and appoint a Chair and vice-Chair.
Transitional board wraps up
Matters progressed by the Transitional Board included:
Conference 2017 – NZPPI’s inaugural conference will be held in the first week of July 2017 at the Novotel in Hamilton. A conference organising committee will pull this year’s conference programme together, with a “local” flavour, ably led by Peter Fraser of Growing Spectrum. If you’re keen to get involved please get in touch with Peter directly or with Frances Palmer at the NZPPI office – frances@nginz.co.nz
Progress toward preparing an NZPPI prospectus – see below
Early work toward developing NZPPI’s Strategy and 2017 Work Plan – the elected board will have a focused strategy session when it meets in December to further progress these.
Member benefits – focus on initial short-term work streams to deliver benefits to members, such as resources to assist work place health and safety, cyber security and insurance packages, and discussion on member access to services.
Interim NZPPI Branding – at the top of this email.
Special Interest Groups and their governance. At least half of the Transitional Board members then joined a group of plant producers growing for retail and retailers, who are at early stages of considering whether they need to form a special interest group.
This was the final meeting for several transitional board and working group members. Our sincere thanks and acknowledgement to Don Forgie, Andrew Tayler and Peter Fraser - for their service, humour and impressive commitment – they‘ve all played key roles in association governance and bringing about the changes needed to create NZPPI. Many thanks gents.
Welcome to NZPPI - Prospectus 2017
Look out for this new publication in mid-December. It profiles our great industry and our contribution to NZ, includes stories about a number of our successful growers – where they’ve come from, how they’re taking on challenges, how they’re viewing things - and it sets out the foundations of NZPPI and what we’re about. It’s our first publication and will be circulated to all plant producers, industry partners, Government agencies and others we need to work with and influence to strengthen our industry. Please take the time to read through it – guaranteed you’ll find a few gems!