MPI have today confirmed the detection of myrtle rust on an established lophomyrtus tree in a residential garden in Te Puke ... read more.
This is the first find of myrtle rust outside of three areas (Kerikeri, Waitara and Te Kuiti) that have been the subject of intense MPI surveillance and containment action since early to mid-May.
MPI are working to understand the extent of the Te Puke infestation and management options.
Industry Action
Bay of Plenty plant producers and garden retailers are asked to double down on their nursery and plant inspections and check their plants again today. This is the best way we can help early identification and containment.
All industry members are also asked to maintain vigilance and rigorous application of NZPPI’s myrtle rust management protocols … see
Identifying Myrtle Rust
Symptoms to look out for on Myrtaceae plants are:
- bright yellow powdery eruptions appearing on the underside of the leaf (young infection)
- bright yellow powdery eruptions on both sides of the leaf (mature infection)
- brown/grey rust pustules (older spores) on older lesions.
- some leaves may become buckled or twisted and die off.
If you suspect Myrtle Rust
Don’t touch it or try to collect samples as this may increase the spread of this disease. Myrtle rust is readily spread by wind and can be transported on clothing, vehicles and equipment.
- take photos e.g. of the whole plant, whole affected leaf and a close-up of the spores/affected area of the plant
- call MPI immediately (0800 80 99 66)
- don’t move any plants, produce or gardening equipment offsite until you hear back from MPI.
