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  27 February 2017
Plant Producer Science and Innovation Summit

Rotorua, 4 & 5 May

A step change towards a new plant technology platform for New Zealand plant producers

It’s time to kick start NZPPI’s science, innovation and technology strategy, and we need your help.

A key factor to industry health and wealth is a sound technology platform. It drives productivity, and its benefits are widely recognised:

  • The avocado industry’s worth nearly $200 million – in 2014 they leveraged $4.28 million in government money for their “Go Global” programme – it’s generating massive improvements in productivity and industry returns
  • New Zealand’s wine industry exports around $1.6 billion worth of wine – driven by a $10 million annual R&D budget
  • The kiwifruit industry’s exports hit $1.7 billion in 2016 – again built on a strong R&D platform of some $20 million per annum.

The plant producer industry’s R&D spend and its share of government’s $2 billion science budget?
Not much, and nowhere near enough however it’s measured. We’re worth around $500 million, and the models above show that together we could be attracting, leverageing and investing at least $3-4 million per annum into R&D.

NZPPI’s mandate includes a strong R&D emphasis and we need you to join us in Rotorua for a two-day science and innovation fest.

We’ll have more details as they develop. Lock 4-5 May in your diaries now & check out travel – we'll start at 9:45am on the Thursday, finishing after 3pm on Friday. It’ll be one of the most exciting things to happen in our plant producer industry in decades.


©2016 NZPPI
New Zealand Plant Producers Incorporated
PO Box 3443, Wellington 6140
Level 5, 23 Waring Taylor Street, Wellington
P: 04 918 3511 | F: 04 499 9589
E: | W:





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