
Careers In Horticulture

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There's a whole crop of exciting careers out there for people in the horticulture industry. These days getting skilled for a career in horticulture is very flexible with a number of programmes available while you are employed, or you can choose to go fulltime. There are a variety of institutions around the country:

  • Primary Industry Training Organisation for nursery Modern Apprenticeships and Training
    www.primaryito.ac.nz, Phone 0800 20 80 20
  • ServiceIQ - Retail Training, www.serviceiq.org.nz, Phone 0800 863 693
  • Massey University for Bachelor in Agricultural Science (Horticulture) and post graduate diplomas
    www.massey.ac.nz, Phone: 0800 62 77 39
  • Plant & Food Research www.plantandfood.co.nz,
    Phone 09 925 7000
  • Lincoln University for diplomas and degrees
    www.lincoln.ac.nz, Phone 0800 10 60 10

A range of programmes are offered by polytechnics, such as:
