
Advertising in Go Gardening Magazine

Untitled Document

There are advertising opportunities in Go Gardening Magazine for both Association members and non-members.

The circulation of Go Gardening fluctuates but has recently achieved a print volume of 60-80,000 copies per issue. Copies are distributed primarily through Go Gardening member stores. The publication is used by garden centres as a marketing tool to encourage shoppers to make a purchase. In addition the 'Kids Go Gardening' section encourages a developing reader base of children and families for the future.
Go Gardening Magazine reaches the rich market of established and existing gardeners. However, much of the thrust of Go Gardening's extended consumer promotions seeks the new and novice gardener, thereby extending the opportunity of new customers for advertisers.

Benefits of this Unique Publication

As a quarterly, the demand on your advertising spend is less with the longevity of advertising, that is "Autumn" will last for 3 months. Importantly, the retailer is part of the selling process and will appreciate you are supporting your product with advertising to their customers. As the magazine is aligned with the industry, it has the credible benefit of being the official magazine communicating between the professional grower and the gardening public.

Want to advertise in the next issue of Go Gardening?

Debbie Pascoe  
Phone/Fax 09 236 3260
Mobile 0274 858 562
Email debbie@gogardening.co.nz
Sue Linn  
Phone 09 267 5738
Mobile 0276 268 124
Email sue@gogardening.co.nz
