We've been working with Philip Hulme, Professor of Plant Biosecurity from Lincoln University, in the early stages of a project to better understand nursery stock pathways. Philip's project is now at the stage where data from, and the help of, plant producers and transporters is needed. Can you help please?
This work is part of the MBIE-funded National Science Challenge for New Zealand's Biological Heritage. (http://www.biologicalheritage.nz/) and The Challenge recognises New Zealand's biological heritage contributes to our economic, environmental, cultural and social well-being, and the nursery stock pathways project is part of a work-stream that seeks to reduce the rate of spread or establishment of exotic incursion species (http://bioprotection.org.nz/research/programme/biosecurity-network-interventions). Improving the understanding of how nursery stock is distributed and the patterns of trade in live plants is critical to this process - more so when you consider the spread of a Phytophthroa ramorum infection in the USA (attached).
Philip's project needs your/our help to characterise live plant movements in New Zealand and to describe the nursery stock pathway as a distribution network (page two here).
In our discussions, and this paper, Philip has been careful to ensure and emphasise that all data will be held in strict confidence, it will not be available to third parties, and it will not be used in any fashion where those contributing data can or are identified. Philip is happy to discuss this further.
This project will contribute to industry sustainability and resilience, and I urge and strongly recommend your assistance please. Please let John Liddle, john@nzppi.co.nz, know if you can help or would like to know more.