Posted 22 December 2015
Early in December we meet with Horticultural NZ, growers and greenhouse manufacturers to discuss their experiences with the RMA and building consent issues. Fire engineering, building classifications, water and nutrient runoff and discharge, the variation among regions, development contributions, district plan review processes, the similarity of issues among all horticultural producers, compliance costs and delays … were among matters raised and we’re now working on a plan of attack. If you have RMA and/or consent experience that just does not make sense or limited your ability to get the job done (on time) please contact John Liddle,
Posted 27 November 2015
At some recent time or another there's a good chance you've experienced the rigours of the Resource Management Act and/or the Building Code and their associated consenting processes. If you have, it's possibly been quite a battle, and we need to hear of your experiences please. We're working with Horticulture NZ and other horticulture sectors to advocate for improved and more appropriate horticulture sector requirements and process. To date we heard of issues with fire regulations, water and nutrient discharge, costs, time delays, requirements that defy “common sense”, contradictory advice, development contributions and variations among regions. We need more stories ... please send these to John Liddle,
... and NGINZ and HortNZ will host a meeting to discuss the RMA, building code and compliance issues impacting horticulture industry businesses, and from NGINZ’s perspective, greenhouses and other nursery infrastructure
Industry Forum
RMA, the Building Code and Greenhouse and Horticulture Infrastructure
9:30am to 12noon, Wednesday 9 December 2015
Holiday Inn, 2 Ascot Rd, Mangere, Auckland Airport
Discussions with nurseries to date confirm a number of issues – in particular regarding fire regulations, water and nutrient discharge, costs, time delays, requirements that defy “common sense”, contradictory advice, development contribution and variations among regions. The meeting will further flesh out issues and a plan of action to advocate for improvements.
Feedback and questions to John Liddle,
Posted 13 November 2015
We met recently with Horticulture New Zealand to discuss collaborative work in RMA and building consent issues - If you have RMA and/or consent experience that just does not make sense or limited your ability to get the job done (on time) please contact John Liddle,
Posted 14 October 2015
Following reports of horrendous processes for resource and building consents on several nursery developments – sheds, greenhouses and development contributions for example, we’ve a meeting with Horticulture New Zealand early in November to discuss a collaborative approach to improving such processes. A while ago HortNZ told me they spend some 40% of their resource in this space and are well versed in the nuances of the RMA. If you have RMA and/or consent experience that just does not make sense or limited your ability to get the job done (on time) please contact John Liddle –