
EPA Matters

In addtion to the specific right hand menu items, NZPPI meets with a number of regulators on both a formal and informal basis. Notes of these discussions with the EPA and other EPA and HSNO matters are listed here.

More about the EPA on their website.


EPA Reclassifying "new" Organisms


In August 2016 the EPA opened submissions for proposals to deregulate new organisms under Section 140 of the HSNO Act.

Section 140 addresses organisms that have arrived since 1998, that need to be reclassified if a self-sustaining population has established, and in particular are not subject to an eradication programme.

This EPA mechanism however is not a substitute for ensuring that the Plants Biosecurity Index (PBI) truly reflects those plants that were present pre-1998.

Section 26 of the Act facilitates this and NZPPI is working with Murray Dawson and the RNZIH and their work compiling an application that may exten into some thousands of species. If you know of species that were present in New Zealand prior to 1998 and HSNO Act coming into force, please speak with John Liddle at NZPPI - john@nzppi.co.nz.

... read more

EPA report concludes glyphosate an unlikely carcinogen


Glyphosate is among the most widely used broad-spectrum herbicides. In recent times questions are being asked about its safety and in August the EPA released a report saying that it is "unlikely to be carcinogenic and should not be classified as a mutagen or carcinogen under the HSNO Act ... read more

Hazardous substance reforms

The government is making changes to the way hazardous substances are managed and one change sees the rules around workplace use of hazardous substances move to WorkSafe.

Plant insecticide changes in effect mid-2016

Plant insecticide changes in effect mid-2016