

The Plant Market Access Council (PMAC) is a partnership between industry and government agencies concerned with the export of horticultural and arable farming products. It provides a forum where market access issues are freely discussed between Industry and Government representatives allowing them to agree strategies to remediate and improve market access. PMAC evolved from a consultative committee that was established in 1992, and Paul Turner, of Liner Plants NZ, represents NZPPI on the Council.


PMAC meeting - Aug 2017


August's meeting Executive Summary here

PMAC meeting - Feb 2017


Some key issues at PMAC's 28 February meeting included updates on:

  • EU regulation change likely to result in more products will need to be accompanied by phyto certificates
  • MPI’s established an Exporter Regulatory Advice Service
  • Food safety WTO notifications
  • Certification review project
  • ICPR and MPI search engine upgrades on the MPI web site
  • Fruit Fly preparedness project

Executive summeary here

PMAC meeting - Nov 2016


PMAC met 2 November - Executive Summary and Paul Turner provided a report to the NZPPI Board meeting of 15 December.