
NZPPI Employment Checklist

Untitled Document

Most of us will have been challenged by employment matters from time to time.  Employment law is process driven and compliance heavy - there’s many a pitfall.   

To help, we’ve worked with the Employers and Manufactures Association (EMA), firstly with a membership deal – for producers and independent retailers your NZPPI membership comes with EMA membership.  The information on their website (ema.co.nz) and through the AdviceLine (0800 300 362) is a huge resource. 

EMA has also helped us with a member-exclusive “Do’s and Don’ts” through the employment process (Attached).  While it’s long, the various sections provide a ready reference when they come up in your work with staff.

It’s been emailed to NZPPI members.

More member-exclusive guidance is under developmen for release in the next month:

  • Drug and alcohol policy.
  • Nursery stock valuation.
  • Spray dift indicent response.
  • Cyber-security checklist.

Not a member? … join here!
