
Submission on the Review of Vocational Education

Untitled Document

NZPPI’s submission on the government’s proposal to change the structure of industry training highlights the urgent need for change in industry training.
The Governments proposed changes in would shift responsibility for the development and management of industry training from Industry Training Organisations (e.g the Primary ITO) to a (large) single New Zealand Polytechnic.  ITO’s would cease developing training programmes & would be responsible for arranging training with individual businesses.
This would be a fundamental change in the way that industry training is managed in New Zealand, including the role of ITO’s.
 The key points in our submission are:

  • NZPPI supports the review of vocational education
  • we highlighted the current issues with industry training in our sector
  • we requested that the new framework has greater involvement of industry.
  • the system needs to be user friendly for small / medium businesses in regions.
  • there is a need for greater regional and sector reach.

Read our full submission here.
